
    PCI Express
    High Speed
顯微鏡 Micorscopy / 相機 Camera

Photon etc is developing a new, affordable deep-cooled SWIR camera sensitive from 800 nm to 2.6 μm. Using a stirling micro cooler, our PionIR™ Camera reaches noise levels lower than its TE cooled competitors. First designed to increase the signal-to-noise ratio for faint flux applications such as hyperspectral imaging, this camera is also perfectly suited for spectroscopy, astronomy, or industrial applications.


Cooling Rotary Stirling micro cooler
Focal Plane Array (FPA) HgCdTe
FPA Size 320 x 256 MCT pixels
Pixel Size 30 µm
Spectral Range 0.8 - 2.6 µm
Peak Responsivity 1.8 A/W @ 2550 nm
Full-Well Capacity (e-) 168 520 (high gain) , 3 539 934 (low gain)
Quantum Efficiency > 70%
Operability (typical) > 98%
Readout noise (e-) 124 electrons (high gain)
Dynamic Range 16 bits
Cold shield square: ƒ1.25 diagonal, ƒ1.76 side 
Frame Rate Up to 47Hz full frame
Integration Time Variable from 10 µs to 150 ms (low gain)
Computer Interface Camera Link™
FPA Operating Temperature 77 K
Cool down Time 16 minutes (ambient air 25ºC)
Weight 3.2 kg
Power Supply Requirement 24 VDC @ 1 A (included power supply)
Physical Dimensions 120 mm x 260 mm x 165 mm (including lens)
Ambient Temperature Range 0°C to 40°C

Quantum Efficiency




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