Adaptive Vision Studio
Cooled Camera

Adaptive Vision 4.11 已上架

Release Notes: Adaptive Vision Studio 4.11


New and improved filters
  • Changed: Edge-based Template Matching has two new parameters, inEdgePolarityMode and inEdgeNoiseLevel, which replace inIgnorePolarity. The new version has more capabilities to adapt to difficulties specific to some tricky applications. If you were using inIgnorePolarity=True, you must manually set inEdgePolarityMode to Ignore in your program.
  • New: Camera calibration tools have been completely redesigned. The new tools can be used to easily and accurately perform both image rectification and image to world plane transformation of geometric primitives (such as points), in presence of lens and perspective distortions. Applications such as image stitching and hand-eye robot coordination are now possible.
  • New: LocatePointPattern tool has been implemented that makes it possible to perform quasi-Template Matching when the input data is not an image, but a set of detected characteristic points.
  • Improved: It is now automatically detected when the same object is being used on the input and on the output of a function that does not allow in-place data processing.
  • Changed: LoopMinimum and LoopMaximum can now accept conditional objects on the 'inValue' input. It makes it easier to use these tools in practical applications.
  • New: Filters for Photometric Stereo have been added. Some really amazing results can be done for stationary objects illuminated from 4 different sides.
  • New: Support for PDF417 codes has been added (ReadSingle/MultiplePDF417Code).
  • Improved: Reading of Code39 codes have been made significantly more robust.
  • New: There is a new measurement filter, RegionCaliperDiameter - finding the most narrow region projection among all possible directions.
  • New: Special functions avl::CancelCurrentWork and avl::ResetIsCurrentWorkCancelled can now be used to gently stop execution of a tool that runs in a separate thread.
  • New: AdjustPointGrids3D tool has been added for point grid registration. It can be used to find precise location of an object within a 3D point cloud.
  • Improved: Filters computing image gradients have been optimized for the AVX2 instruction set.
  • Improved: Bilinear image resize has been optimized.
  • The most up-to-date performance analysis see: https://www.adaptive-vision.com/en/technical_data/performance/
Deep learning
  • New: A new powerful tool has been implemented for Point Location. It makes it possible to detect objects by looking for characteristic points on the input image.
  • New: There is a stand-alone application for training deep learning models, Adaptive Vision DL Editor. It can be deployed to the production environment without installing full Adaptive Vision Studio software there.
  • Improved: All deep learning tools are now based on CUDA version 9.
  • New: There is a new filter DeepLearning_IsServiceRunning which can be used for error diagnostics in the runtime system.
  • Improved: It is now possible to specify various stopping conditions for training, not only the number of iterations.
  • Changed: Passing of output parameters has been redesigned for better performance. Now, in most cases "out" modifiers are removed (they are only left for structures and structure-like types). This allows for the tools to re-use already allocated memory of the output data. Here is a quick migration guide: https://docs.adaptive-vision.com/4.11/avl/net/gettingstarted/migration_guide.html
  • Changed: Introduced AvlNet.NullableRef<T> and AvlNet.SafeNullableRef<T> for AVL reference types to make AVL.NET API more readable and self-explanatory (see the migration guide for details).
  • Changed: Replaced .NET arrays with built-in System.Collections.Generic.IList<T> as atl::Array<T> .NET equivalent in AVL functions.
  • Changed: Type properties of either native wrapper type, IList<T> type or nullable reference type are now views for internal state of the parent object. This way one can access those compound objects directly without the need of using temporary objects.
  • New: Introduced disposable AvlNet.SafeList<T> and disposable AvlNet.SafeNullableRef<T> for easier management of disposable list elements and nullable reference items. This, combined with "out" modifier removed, makes it possible to effectively use the "using" clause in cases with lists and nullable references in function outputs.
  • Changed: Filter cancellation in the AVL.NET has been unified with cancellation logic in the native AVL. Now user need to manually call off the filter cancellation. Until now, AVL.NET functions has always been calling the cancellation off before execution. This could lead to unexpected calls to the sequence of long-lasting AVL functions.
.NET Macrofilter Interfaces
  • Improved: Serialization and deserialization of AVL.NET types being passed to/from the execution engine has been redesigned.
  • Fixed: Changes to the User Types being exported to the Macrofilter .NET Interface assembly did not enforce the assembly to rebuild and the assembly was still considered as up-to-date.
  • Improved: In the generator dialog the dependent User Types are automatically selected to prevent the errors in the assembly compilation phase.
  • Improved: In the generator dialog User Types and Macrofilters items provides details tooltips. Disabled items provides info about the disable reason.
  • Known issue: User Types containing disposable fields (e.g. Image, Region) must be managed manually, i.e. all fields need to be disposed separately by the user.
Writable global parameters
  • New: Global parameters are now variables. They can be read and written with special filters named ReadParameter and WriteParameter.
    Please note, that this new feature is meant to be used only in relatively rare circumstances and not to be used to replace network of connections between filters! One particular application where we do recommend using writable global parameters is receipe management.
Profinet support
  • New: Profinet communication is supported through Hilscher hardware cards.
    If you want to use this feature, please contact our technical support first.
  • New: 3D scanners from Photoneo company are now natively supported.
  • Changed: Filter performance statistics are now computed per instances of macrofilters (was: average of all instances).
  • New: There is a new property in .NET HMI designers named "HideSelectors" which makes it possible to hide the top line with image selection. Is has always been possible in the HMI Designer in Studio, while now it is possible also in AVL.NET.
  • New: Basic documentation of filters (description and applications) can now be available in multiple languages (English, German, Chinese, Japanese, Polish).
  • New: CMake support - the AVL and AVL_Lite libraries can now be discovered after installation using find_package(AVL CONFIG REQUIRED) call in CMake. The mechanism is portable between Windows and Linux. Some examples were modified to use it. Use of CMake is recommended if the application should be portable to Linux.
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