Adaptive Vision Studio
Cooled Camera

Release Notes: Adaptive Vision Studio 4.2

Adaptive Vision Library 

 New: Basic functionality of Adaptive Vision Library, comparable with OpenCV/imgproc, is now available for free, also for commercial applications. 

 New: Adaptive Vision Library, both Lite and Professional, can be directly used in User Filters. Thus, it became possible to simply move time-critical operations from Studio to User Filters. 

 New: Graphical data editors that appear in Adaptive Vision Studio (e.g. for rectangles or regions) can now be also used by programmers in AVL.NET.

Higher Performance and GPGPU

 Improved: Edge-base Template Matching has been improved. It is among the most efficient implementation on the market, if not actually the most efficient. 

 Improved: Execution time of Edge-base Template Matching has been reduced by 0.5 - 2.0 ms, when used in Studio. The overhead was caused by inefficient way of passing model data. 

 New: A special pool-based image memory allocator has been added, which can improve performance of some filters (e.g. DetectEdges). 

 Improved: Time of very first execution of any filter or function has been improved by separating library initialization. 

 New: Several filters, for which it makes any sense, have been implemented with OpenCL technology. These are: 

o Color space conversions: HsiToRgb, RgbToHsi, HslToRgb, RgbToHsl, HsvToRgb, RgbToHsv, XyzToRgb, RgbToXyz 

o Dilate/ErodeImage_AnyKernel 

o ImageCorrelationImage 

More Readable Program Editor

 New: Filter ports, which are rarely connected, have been hidden by default in the Program Editor. 

 Improved: Filter ports can be shown or hidden with more convenient "Show/Hide Ports" link-menu appearing after cursor move over the filter. 

 New: There are now two possible views: Compact (default) and Full. The latter shows all filter ports and constant input values. 

New Filters

 New: Two ready-made tools have been added: CompareGoldenTemplate: Intensity and Edges. 

 New: There are ready-made tools for translating image coordinates to world coordinates: CalibrateWorldCoordinates, PointToWorldCoordinates etc. 

 New: Perspective undistortion can now be performed with precomputed spatial map - with CreatePerspectiveMap + RemapImage. 

Password-protected HMI

 New: It is now possible to restrict access to some elements of the end user's GUI only to authorized users.

Graphical Editors

  New: There is a new graphical tool for interactive creation of image undistortion maps. 

 New: There are new graphical tools for interactive creation of OCR applications.

User Interface Improvements

 New: Data can be removed from data previews one-by-one using "X" buttons on the preview overlay. 

 Improved: The set of tools available for data previews has been redesigned.

Integration with Smart Cameras

  New: It is now possible to detect smart cameras available in the local network, connect to them, control their state, download and upload programs. All of this is possible from a laptop computer connected to the local network. 

 New: There are new filters: Smart_GrabImage and Smart_SetDigitalOutputs, which work differently on a smart camera and on a laptop computer connected to it. On the smart camera, such as CORSIGHT or NEON, it acquires images directly from the device. On the laptop, it communicates with the smart camera and acquires images remotely from it. 

 Improved: Responsiveness of the user interface in Adaptive Vision Studio has been improved on Atombased smart cameras, while executing a cpu-intensive programs. 

 New: There is a new command in Adaptive Vision Studio for quickly lunching the current program with Adaptive Vision Executor.

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